How UNS Authentication Works
The UNS network consists of Identity Guardian nodes representing user, Gateway nodes representing services and a UNS control node keeping them in sync. Guardian and Gateway combine direct and out of bounds communication to verify the user and the service.Together, the UNS nodes form a chain of trust between the user and any service.
UNS Overview

UNS Works for Users
UNS Works for Services

1. Unlike federated login systems, UNS does not require Users and Services to agree on a common mediation agent. Each party can choose who they want to work with and importantly, which legal jurisdiction their mediation agent is located.
2. Unlike other public key infrastructure, UNS never transmits the private key from one device to another because each user acts as their own certificate authority. Each security certificate is generated onboard each device, preferably in the device’s secure enclave.
3. The user may choose require a unique pin or password for the UNS application if they require additional security beyond possession and the biometric/passcode lock for their device.
4. The hash could be based on the namespace and the user’s first public key